Friday, September 6, 2024


 In Sais

…of Sais, fought with the Cushites for control of Lower Egypt, but he lost in 713–712 bc to Shabaka, founder of the 25th dynasty of Egypt. When Assyria defeated the Cushites in 671 bc, Saite princes, as Assyrian vassals, again gained control of the Nile delta, and the Saite governor…

 Coming Soon

In Sudan: The kingdom of Kush

…brought under the administration of Kush. As a world power, however, Kush was not to last. Just when the kings of Kush had established their rule from Abū Ḥamad to the Nile delta, the Assyrians invaded Egypt (671 bce) and with their superior iron-forged weapons defeated the armies of

 Coming Soon!

In Nubia

…25th dynasty, which is called Kushite in the king lists. In 701 bce Shabaka backed the Hebrew king Hezekiah’s revolt against Assyria. The Assyrian king Sennacherib marched into Palestine and defeated an Egypto-Kushite unit at Eltekeh but failed to take Jerusalem, as Prince

Thursday, September 5, 2024

Cushites Established | Woman King

 Woman King

Dr. Rachel Levitch

The Kushites established themselves as one of the most formidable military forces in history. Their determination to maintain independence made them a challenging adversary, willing to engage in fierce battles to protect their sovereignty. The conflict not only promised to secure the freedom of the Kushite populace but also heralded a period characterized by relative tranquility and prosperity.

Although the renowned Roman adversaries of Persia, Carthage, and various Barbaric Tribes merit recognition, it is unfortunate that ancient civilizations such as the Kingdom of Kush and other African nations are frequently overlooked and forgotten. A brief exploration of Africa's rich historical tapestry is sufficient to captivate even the most casual enthusiasts of historical subjects for a lifetime.

Just  going to drop this right here:

and here:

and here:

Kassala Dynasty | Kushite/Cushite Dynasty


  • In Kassala

    …control of the 25th, or Kushite, Egyptian dynasty. The Kushites were later conquered by the kingdom of Aksum (Axum), and the people were largely Christianized. There were Muslim raids into the region during the Mamlūk dynasty of Egypt (reigned 1250–1517). The people were converted to Islam in the early 16th…Kassala

  • The Kingdom of Kush was situated in northern Africa, corresponding to present-day Sudan. The broader area surrounding Kush, later known as Nubia, was populated around 8,000 BCE; however, the emergence of the Kingdom of Kush occurred significantly later. The Kerma Culture, named after the city of Kerma within the region, is documented as early as 2500 BCE. Archaeological findings from both Sudan and Egypt indicate that there was interaction between the Egyptians and the inhabitants of the Kush region from the Early Dynastic Period in Egypt (approximately 3150 - 2613 BCE) onward. The subsequent civilization identified as 'Kushite' likely developed from this earlier cultural framework, albeit with substantial Egyptian influence.

  • Although the history of the region is quite ancient, the Kingdom of Kush experienced its peak between approximately 1069 BCE and 350 CE. The New Kingdom of Egypt (circa 1570-1069 BCE) was nearing its decline around 1069 BCE, which allowed the Kushite city-state of Napata to gain prominence. With Egypt preoccupied with its own challenges, the Kushites no longer faced threats to their territory. They established the Kingdom of Kush, designating Napata as its capital, and thus, Kush emerged as a dominant power in the region while Egypt struggled.

Disclaimer: Bringing sources together in one place for you.  Some thoughts are solely mine [used and presented to you in the 1st person] and others I have sourced so that you too may do your own torah study.  Many thx!!

Ham's non "African" son Canaan

Dr. Rachel Levitch

It is my belief that one of the profound enigmas within various communities is the inclination in the United States to place significant trust in pastors and individuals who embody religious ideologies. In America, such figures are often regarded with elevated respect. This elevated regard implies that their statements are perceived as divinely inspired. Reflecting on the pervasive falsehood that suggests Black individuals are somehow cursed by God reveals a subtle yet persistent sin. This notion is as unfounded as any historical claims of divine punishment articulated in the Torah.

Furthermore, there exists a tacit belief within certain Jewish circles that Black individuals are cursed. This sentiment can be observed in the manner in which Jewish communities engage with converts. It is essential to address this issue, as the lack of open dialogue contributes to a culture that complicates the process of conversion across synagogues, which often espouses a message of unity. While I could elaborate further, I wish to emphasize that the idea of Black individuals being cursed in America is unequivocally false.

 A key text here was Gen 9:20-27, which presents the so-called Hamitic curse. In spite of the obvious exegetical fact that it is Ham’s non-“African” son Canaan—and not his “African” sons (cf. Gen 10:6)Mitzrayim (father of the Egyptians), Cush (father of the Cushites) and Phut (father of the Libyans)—who is cursed to be “the slave of Japheth,” this text has played an extraordinarily important role in the Western justification of keeping Africans as slaves. [2].  Fundamentally, this represents a fallacy that I consider to be one of those "enigmas" where individuals choose to trust religious zealots rather than engaging in personal research and dedicating time to the study of the Torah.

                                                                            Historical literature indicates that Black Americans have endured centuries of oppression in North

America. In order to survive, they have preserved Africultural values and embraced practices unique to their community. Strengthening these cultural values and practices may enhance the psychosocial well-being of this population.  Noah's Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery The book meticulously examines the so-called curse of Ham (or Canaan) as documented in Genesis 9, which was referenced by proslavery advocates prior to the Civil War, and investigates the impact of this curse tradition in the United States both prior to and following the Civil War.  It sheds light on the religious aspects of America's racial history by examining the ways in which the book of Genesis has been employed to rationalize slavery, segregation, and the oppression of African Americans.  It is essential to revisit some of my sources and initiate a thorough investigation into the truth:

  •  The notion that Black individuals are cursed is unfounded.
  • The historical context reveals that America has been in error regarding its treatment of Black individuals.
  • The generational trauma experienced by Black Americans stems from the systematic oppression and violence they have endured.
  • It is a moral failing for Jewish communities to passively accept American cultural norms that exclude converted Jews of Color into there synagogues and as an open place of worship in the United States.

The prevalence of documented discrimination in various aspects of life indicates a widespread pattern of discrimination against Black individuals in America, rather than merely isolated incidents. Disparities between Black and white individuals are evident in nearly all interactions with both public and private institutions, encompassing areas such as healthcare and law enforcement. The existence of systemic discrimination highlights the necessity for more proactive institutional measures to combat racism in both policy and practice.


1. Discrimination in the United States: Experiences of black Americans  Sara N. Bleich, PhD, 1 Mary G. Findling, PhD, SM,corresponding author 1 Logan S. Casey, PhD, 1 Robert J. Blendon, ScD, 1 John M. Benson, MA, 1 Gillian K. SteelFisher, PhD, MSc, 1 Justin M. Sayde, MS, 1 and Carolyn Miller, MS, MA 2
2. Stephen R. Haynes, Noah’s Curse: The Biblical Justification of American Slavery (Religion in America; Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2002).


  In   Sais …of Sais, fought with the Cushites for control of Lower Egypt, but he lost in 713–712  bc  to Shabaka, founder of the 25th dynas...